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Cancel Stop Limit order

Private resource

The WebSocket connection being used must be pre-authorized with authorization request.


This operation can be performed with request to HTTP API.

The request cancels the previously posted stop limit order. To specify the order to be canceled, use its number in the orderid parameter.


To cancel an order, send to the established WebSocket connection a message with the operation code delete:stopLimit containing the number of the order to be canceled.

"opcode": "delete:stopLimit",
"guid": "c328fcf1-e495-408a-a0ed-e20f95d6b813",
"orderId": "18995978560",
"exchange": "MOEX",
"user": {
"portfolio": "D39004"
"checkDuplicates": true


According to the results of processing the received request, the server will return a message with the corresponding code to the WebSocket connection.

Successful request processing report

"requestGuid": "c328fcf1-e495-408a-a0ed-e20f95d6b813",
"httpCode": 200,
"message": "An order '12345' has been deleted.",
"orderNumber": "12345"