Tools and examples
If you are developing a single-page, mobile or native application, make sure you can ensure Client Secret privacy.
See OAuth documentation for more details.
Apps by ALOR Broker team
- Node.js-based server application for OAuth 2.0 authorization
- Python-based server application for OAuth 2.0 authorization
- Example of Trading bot
Community apps
Community apps are provided for evaluation purposes. Their authors are third-party developers who created these applications for their own reasons. ALOR Broker team has nothing to do with their development and has no influence on their further evolution. Any changes in these projects should be discussed with their authors.
- Trading bot (C++\QT) @eSKond
- Python-based API client Eugeniy Shumilov @mechnotech
- Python-based API client created from swagger file Antonio Berkeley @brkly
- Python-based wrapper for OpenAPI Igor Chechet @ichechet
- Golang package for OpenAPI Max Antonov @maxxant
- Autotrading Provider in BackTrader from Alor OpenAPI Igor Chechet @ichechet
- Node.js SDK for Alor Open API Maksim Zakharov @max89701
- Trader's Diary for ALOR Broker Maksim Zakharov @max89701