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Production environment


This guide describes interaction with the Production environment of the system and requires a valid ALOR Broker trading account. Guide for a Test environment that does not require a valid trading account is described here.

Step 1: Registering a developer account

Developer account is required to get access to the request authorization mechanisms of the trading system.

Already done?

If the developer account has been registered earlier, go to next step.

Follow the steps below to create a developer account:

  1. Go to Developer Portal and click the Authorize button in the upper right corner
  2. Click the Register link below the authorization form
  3. Fill in the required fields and click `Register' button
  4. Confirm the e-mail address used for registration by clicking on the link from the automatically sent e-mail.
  5. Go to authorization page and log in to the created developer account with the data specified during registration

Registration of a developer account is a one-time process and will not be needed to be repeated each API request.


More information about the developer account is provided in related article.

Step 2: Binding a trading account

Most API requests require execution using a specific trading account for authorization purposes. To create authorization tokens linked to the selected trading account, it must be specified in the developer account.


If the correct trading account was bound to the developer account earlier, go to next step.

Follow the steps below to bind a trading account to a developer account:

  1. Go to the API Access Tokens page.
  2. Enter the login and password of the trading account in the corresponding fields and click Bind button.

Binding of a trading account is a one-time process and will not be needed to be repeated each API request.


More information about binding a trade account is available in related article.

Step 3: Getting Refresh token

For most API use cases, we recommend authorizing requests using JWT tokens.

This option allows authorizing submitted requests with a short-term Access token, for creating which you must first obtain a Refresh token.


If Refresh token was already created earlier and has not expired, proceed to next step.

Do the following to create a new Refresh token for a real trading account:

  1. Go to the [API Access Tokens] page(
  2. Create a new Refresh token by clicking on the `Create Token' button
  3. View the created token by finding it in the list below and clicking the Show button

Created Refresh token is valid for 1 year from the moment of creation. If the token expires or you manually revoke it, repeat the same steps to get a new one.


More information about Refresh tokens is available in related article.

Step 4: Getting Access token

Most of the private system resources require the user to have respective access rights. When proving permissions with JWT, each request must contain an Access token created with the previously created Refresh token.


If Access token was already created earlier and has not expired, proceed to next step.

To get an Access token, send a POST request to the /refresh endpoint of the authorization server. In the Production environment, this server is accessible at

Submitted request must contain a valid Refresh token associated with the needed trade account.


Where 12b...cac is Refresh Token.

In response, the authorization server will return a JSON object containing the Access Token:

"AccessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6IkpXVCJ9.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.QOQVMIAoZ6SnF5urnIzJ0EvtQd9P5Sx355069kXoID207wHOTW0wkKNMcrIKXmENEQQ_0yDjqH_kjeqWLBJuqA"

The received token is valid for 30 minutes from the moment of creation. If the token expires, repeat the action described above to create a new token.

Interactive description

The request to update Access Token has an interactive description on the JWT Token.


More information about Access Tokens is available in related article.

Step 5: Sending requests

Interaction with ALOR Broker API is possible both via HTTP API and WebSocket API. Some operations supported by the trading system are available in both options of interaction.

Getting order book

The HTTP API gives the ability to interact with the system within a short-term connection designed for one-time messaging — one response per request. The response returned by the server contains information that is up to date for the moment the request is submitted. To update the received data after a while, you will need to repeat the same request on your own.

To get information about the order book of the requested instrument on the desired exchange via HTTP API, send a GET request to the /md/v2/orderbooks/{exchange}/{symbol} endpoint of the API server. Note that:

  • Production environment API server is available at;
  • {exchange} must contain the actual code of the exchange;
  • {symbol} must contain the actual code (ticker) of the instrument.
Request parameters

Make sure that all necessary path-, query-, and header-parameters are filled in before executing the query.

Example of URL

If required, add supported query-parameters to the URL:

  • depth is the desired data depth. Standard value is 20 (20x20), maximum — 50 (50x50).
  • format is the format of the JSON object returned by the server: Simple, Slim, Heavy. Standard value: Simple.
Example URL with query parameters

The /md/v2/orderbooks/ endpoint is a protected resource and requires authorization to execute requests. Add the Authorization parameter to the request header with the value Bearer <Token>, where <Token> is the previously obtained Access token.

Example of HEAD parameter
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6IkpXVCJ9.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.QOQVMIAoZ6SnF5urnIzJ0EvtQd9P5Sx355069kXoID207wHOTW0wkKNMcrIKXmENEQQ_0yDjqH_kjeqWLBJuqA

If all parameters are correct, the server will return a JSON object with the requested information.

"snapshot": true,
"bids": [
"price": 281.98,
"volume": 36
"asks": [
"price": 281.99,
"volume": 11
"timestamp": 1701105939,
"ms_timestamp": 1701105939395,
"existing": true

If the request syntax is invalid or incorrect values are specified, the server will return a JSON object corresponding to the error.


More information about the order book request is available on the interactive request description page.

Creating a market order

Request parameters

Make sure that all necessary path-, query-, and header-parameters are filled in before executing the query.

To create a market order to buy a security on the selected exchange via HTTP API, send a POST request to the /commandapi/warptrans/TRADE/v2/client/orders/actions/market endpoint of the API server. Note that:

  • Production environment API server is available at;
  • All order parameters must be passed in the request body.
Example of URL

The /commandapi endpoints are private resources and require authorization to execute requests. Add the Authorization parameter to the request header with the value Bearer <Token>, where <Token> is the previously obtained access-token.

Example of HEAD parameter
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6IkpXVCJ9.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.QOQVMIAoZ6SnF5urnIzJ0EvtQd9P5Sx355069kXoID207wHOTW0wkKNMcrIKXmENEQQ_0yDjqH_kjeqWLBJuqA

Additionally, all requests related to orders must contain a unique request identifier created by the sender. The X-REQID header parameter is used to pass the identifier.

Example of HEAD parameter
X-REQID: d3c886f1-ea1e-4634-aff4-119c902ad926

The value of the X-REQID parameter can be any as long as the following requirements are met:

  • The value must be unique. If a previously used value is sent, the server will reject the request
  • The value must not break the JSON schema. For example, escape special characters (if used) when generating values

Order conditions are passed as a JSON object in the request body:

"side": "buy",
"type": "market",
"quantity": 1,
"instrument": {
"symbol": "SBER",
"exchange": "MOEX"
"comment": "Note no.451",
"user": {
"portfolio": "D39004"

If the URL, body and header of the request are filled in correctly, the server will return a JSON object with the number of the created order.

Example of response body
"message": "success",
"orderNumber": "409...153"

If the request syntax is invalid or incorrect values are specified, the server will return a JSON object corresponding to the error.

The created order can then be viewed, modified or canceled using the corresponding requests.


More information about the market order request is available on the interactive request description page.

What's next?

Additionally, we recommend reading the following related articles: