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System environments

The system provides two environments for sending API requests: Production and Test.

The system environments are architecturally identical to each other: the set of servers, the list of supported commands, their parameters, the syntax of queries and the format of returned responses are the same. Thus, the Test Environment can be used to test commands and develop applications in a sandbox, and then adapt the results to work with the Production Environment without making significant changes.

Production environment is the working environment of the system designed for interaction with real exchanges.

Production environment uses real exchange data, and the trading schedule corresponds to the actual schedule of exchanges. Operations carried out in this environment use the real trading account resources and each transaction has an impact on both the portfolios involved and the market.


A real trading account is required to work with the Production environment making this environment available only to clients of the ALOR Broker trading system.

Two types of servers are provided to the API user to interact with the system: authorization and API.

  • Authorization server is a server (or cluster of multiple servers) responsible for confirming the identity of the user executing requests. Two authorization options are available when working with Production environment of the trading system: using a combination of Refresh and Access tokens, and by OAuth 2.0 standard.
  • API Server is a server (or cluster of multiple servers) responsible for receiving and processing requests received from the user to the HTTP and WebSocket APIs. The API server is the one to which all requests for interaction with the trading system should be directed, except for the request for JWT Token.

Regardless of the actual number, all servers of the selected type will be available to the user at a single address:



Authorization server of the system's Production environment

API server of the system's Production environment


The Production and Test environments of the system are isolated from each other, so any data from one environment will be invalid for the other.