Access token
The information on this page is applicable to Production environment of the system. Authorization in Test environment comes with some differences. For details about authorization in Test environment, see the corresponding article.
Access token is a short-lived token created by an API user with the previously created Refresh token.
The role of this token is to confirm that the user has the rights to interact with the requested resources.
Access token gives the same access to the system as the login and password of a trading account. Keep it private.
Getting token
To create an Access token, use a POST request to the /refresh
endpoint of the authorization server. The request must contain a valid Refresh token as the value of the token
parameter. This parameter can be passed either in the request path (as Query
) or in its body (as Body
Use a single option. If Query
and Body
are filled concurrently, the latter takes precedence.
Additionally, you can restrict the list of portfolios that can be accessed with the token being created by passing an array with the list of portfolios as the value of the allowedPortfolios
- Query
- Body["Portfolio1", "Portfolio2", "Portfolio3"]
"token": "12b...cac",
"allowedPortfolios": [
is a valid Refresh token;Portfolio1
are portfolios that must be available with the created Access token.
As a response, the authorization server will return a JSON object containing the Access Token:
"AccessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImN0eSI6IkpXVCJ9.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.QOQVMIAoZ6SnF5urnIzJ0EvtQd9P5Sx355069kXoID207wHOTW0wkKNMcrIKXmENEQQ_0yDjqH_kjeqWLBJuqA"
Received token will be valid for 30 minutes from creation unless the Refresh token used to create it will be recalled earlier.
An interactive description is available for the Access token update request on the JWT Token page.
Recalling token
There is no way to revoke an individually selected Access token before its expiration date. The only way to terminate an Access token before its expiration date is to revoke the Refresh token used to create it.
Reading token
The ALOR Broker API uses JWT Token as an Access token.
JWT Token is an encrypted JSON object containing information both about the token itself (creation date, expiration date, header parameters) and about the API user, on whose request it was created (trading login, lists of access rights and portfolios, list of resources available for calling). Because of this, we recommend keeping Access tokens private even after their expiration date.
Without knowledge of the secret key, it is impossible to completely decrypt and/or spoof the token. However, with partial decryption, it is possible to obtain a payload of the token.
An example of a token and its content:
- Token
- Payload
- Schema
"sub": "LoginSample",
"ent": "client",
"ein": "01234",
"clientid": "0123456",
"azp": "0123456789abcdef0123",
"agreements": "AgreementSample1 AgreementSample2 AgreementSample3",
"portfolios": "PortfolioSample1 PortfolioSample2 PortfolioSample3",
"scope": "OrdersRead OrdersCreate Trades Personal Stats",
"exp": 2871763199,
"iat": 0,
"iss": "Alor.Identity",
"aud": "Client WARP WarpATConnector subscriptionsApi CommandApi InstrumentApi TradingViewPlatform"
Response body parameters
User ID. The login of the trading account is used as the identifier
Example: P39004
User entity type
Example: client
Example: 01234
User identification number
Example: 01234
Identifier of the application requesting access to system resources
Example: 0123456789abcdef0123
List of contracts associated with the user
Example: AgreementSample1
List of portfolios associated with the user
Example: PortfolioSample1
List of permissions requested by the application when accessing the system
Example: OrdersRead
The time (UTC) of token expiration in Unix Time Seconds format, after which the token becomes invalid.
Example: 2871763199
Time (UTC) of token creation in Unix Time Seconds format
Example: 0
Identifier of the server that created and signed the token
Example: Alor.Identity
List of system sections to which the token provides access
Example: CommandApi
Thus, publication of a token, even if it has expired, may result in the leakage of sensitive information. Ensure the privacy of the tokens you create and use, and do not allow them to be transmitted publicly or made publicly available.
Features and limitations
Note the following features and limitations when creating and using Access tokens:
- Token expiration time is limited to 30 minutes from the moment of creation. When developing your own API client, add a mechanism to update Access token
- A token can only be created with an HTTP API request. No other options are available
- The number of Access tokens created with a single Refresh token is unlimited
- Access token is JWT token — encrypted JSON-object containing data on portfolios and access rights to the trading system. Posting Access tokens to the public is not recommended, even if they have expired
- Access tokens cannot be manually revoked. To prematurely terminate a token, the Refresh token used to create it must be revoked, which will result in termination of all other access tokens created with it
What's next?
Additionally, we recommend reading the following related articles:
- Interactive description of JWT token request
- Specifics of authorization in Test environment
- Guide for HTTP API
- Guide for WebSocket API
- Quick Start Guide for Production environment
- Quick Start Guide for Test environment